Summer and I are not on Good Terms

It’s no secret that I do not like Summer.

It is absolutely my least favorite season. Summer and I are sworn enemies. Because summer is too hot. And I do not like the heat. Because it makes me sweat. And I do not like to sweat. Oh, I don’t mind sweating, if it’s my choice. But summer likes to make the choice for me. When I step outside in the late July heat, Summer says “There she is! Time to kick it up a notch.” And then he sets the thermostat to Satan’s Armpit!  And laughs maniacally while I drip buckets of sweat and my clothes cling to me like plastic wrap. Not the cheap plastic wrap. The good kind. The name-brand stuff that sticks like glue and refuses to let go. 

Summer is stubborn. And a troublemaker. 

Summer is too hot. And sticky. And humid. The air is heavy and heard to breathe.  The thermometer reaches heights I do not appreciate. That thermometer is an over-achiever. We are not on good terms. Honestly, I’d be content if the temperature never reached above 70 degrees. 

I realize there are places I could move to where the climate would be more to my liking.  That is not really an option. Besides, I like to experience all four seasons. I just like some seasons more than others. I love Fall most of all. I adore Fall. I long for it during those long summer days. I think of it when I’m sweating buckets in the unbearable heat. I dream of Fall’s cool days while the mosquitos are relentlessly pursuing me in those long summer months.

I know I will always have to endure the heat of summer. I may never like it. But I can learn to live with it. Especially knowing that summer is the season that ushers in Fall.  If I shift my perspective, just a little bit, I can see that summer has a few redeeming qualities.

Like catching lightning bugs. And home-grown vegetables from my very own garden.  And jeep rides in the mountains with my husband on those long summer nights. And ice-cream. And the promise of Fall.

If I look for the good, I will find it.

Probably floating in a bucket of sweat.

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”  Philippians 4:11


22 responses to “Summer and I are not on Good Terms”

  1. I completely relate to heat and the wonder of fall!! Bring on the fall! I think your summer vacation in South Carolina may have been the epitome of hot lol! I am sure you still remember.

    1. Oh yes, my friend! I remember it well! That was one hot summer!

  2. April Henry Avatar
    April Henry

    Love it! Not summer, your blog! 😍

    1. Thanks! I know how you feel about summer!

  3. Rhonda Smith Avatar
    Rhonda Smith

    Love the summer sun!!! But I agree- this summer is way too hot! The only time I don’t mind sweating is when I am near water so I can cool off!

    1. This summer has been exceptionally hot! I am so ready for Fall!

  4. Hello Heidi. My name is Amy and I worked with your sweet daughter Lilly at ACCA this past school year. My daughter Annie, whom Lilly taught piano lessons to, and I just adore that sweet girl of yours. I enjoyed your post about summer. It resonated so much with me, because I too am a huge fan of fall and not so much summer. I am looking forward to reading more about your upcoming book release. Congratulations!

    1. Hello Amy! So nice to meet you! Thanks for your kind words! I agree, Lilly is such a sweet girl (although I may be a little biased)! Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I am so glad you enjoyed it! I hope to post about the upcoming book soon.

  5. Robin Crushong Avatar
    Robin Crushong

    Looking so forward to your inspirational stories!!

    1. Thanks so much Robin!

  6. Brenda Blessing Avatar
    Brenda Blessing

    I always knew this was your destiny. To share your thoughts, unique insight of the beauty in ordinary things, and Gods grace and redemption. Thank you, Heidi!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Brenda. You are so sweet! It amazes me that people want to read stories of my normal life. I give God all the credit. He is amazing!

  7. James F Barger Avatar
    James F Barger

    I am proud of you first for your new book and 2nd for your trust in GOD and your willingness to share this publicly. I have enjoyed reading your poems and hen house stories and look forward to reading about your everyday life. BLESSINGS TO YOU. Uncle Jim.

    1. Thank you, Uncle Jim! It has been a journey, to be sure! But I’m following where God leads! I’m so glad you enjoy my stories!

  8. I typically enjoy spring and summer, but this extra hot and humid weather makes me feel like I’m not on good terms with summer this year. As much as I dislike the winter season, I’ve found myself longing for it a few times in the past month.

    I cannot wait for your book release! I love your down-to-earth writing style and look forward to reading more of your writing. Is there a way to subscribe to your blog? I don’t see a link to subscribe, but maybe I’m just not looking in the right place.

    Praying God will bless you and guide you on this new journey as you use your gift of writing for his glory.

    1. Thank you, Joni! This summer has been exceptionally hot! I’m looking forward to Fall. Thank you for your kind words. I’m so glad you enjoy my stories. Thank you for being a support to me and always being willing to talk about writing! One day we’ll be talking about your book being published, too!

      Honestly, I don’t know if there’s a way to subscribe to the blog (This is me being honest and showing how much I still have to learn about this)! But, I will check into that and let you know!

  9. Looking forward to your posts about life and book release. Please let us know when it’s available. Spring is my favorite all things new again.

    God is Good all the time!

    Sending encouragement.

    1. Thank you for your words of encouragement! I like Spring, but Fall is my favorite! I’ll keep you posted on the book!

      All the time, God is good!

  10. Carolyne M Taylor Avatar
    Carolyne M Taylor

    Heidi, I live in Florida and can REALLY relate to your dislike of the “sweating experience”. I enjoyed your thoughts ~ keep up the good work! We have known your parents through District Conferences & congratulate you on your upcoming book. …God’s ongoing Blessings in your life… Carolyne

    1. Hello Carolyne! It’s nice to meet you. Thank you for your kind words. I’m so glad you enjoyed my story! I’m sure it’s very hot in Florida! I don’t think I could handle it! I can barely handle the heat in Pennsylvania. But Fall is on the horizon and cooler days are sure to come! Blessings to you!

  11. I have enjoyed reading your writings and love your sense if humor.

    1. Hello Dawn! Thank you for your kind words. I’m so glad you enjoy reading my writing! My husband says I always write with a healthy dose of sass and sarcasm!